With the e-bike through the Salzburg Lake District

Electric bicycle rental in Mattsee
From May until October.
Lohner e-bikes are available for hire at fahr(T)raum. This is a real design experience! This is how the Salzburg Lake District can be explored in style and in a sporty way.
With the new e-bike rental service the fahr(T)raum continues the trend of the young Ferdinand Porsche. He invented hist first e-bike out of necessity, to commute regularly between his job at the Bela Egger United Electricity Company, his home and the university. In order not to lose too much time, he built an electric motor into an old bicycle to overcome the not inconsiderable gradients in Vienna. He called the bicycle «octagon» because of its octagonal rear wheel motor.
Ludwig Lohner, Head of the K.u.K. Hofwagenfabrik Jacob Lohner & Co. hired the talented Porsche as chief designer in 1899 and used him to develop the Lohner-Porsche electromobile system with a wheel hub motor. At the time, Lohner was convinced of electromobility — and today, the Lohner system e-bikes are manufactured in Austria and impress with their design and a wheel hub motor.
Ferdinand Porsche’s and Ludwig Lohner’s belief in electromobility is revived in the fahr(T)raum. Although one must no longer get from A to B as quickly as Ferdinand Porsche, the Salzburg Lake District invites you to take a relaxed ride through its countryside – and all this in the fresh air without noise. More info: In the footsteps of Ferdinand Porsche inventor of the first e-bike 1893
From May to October. Daily from 9:00 am to 4:45 pm.
Rental in the Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelten fahr(T)raum in Mattsee.
Price | |
4-hour rate (from 12:30 p.m.) | € 35,00 |
full 24 hours («daily rate») | € 45,00 |
Included in the price are helmet, bike lock and charger.
Additional e-bike rental in Mattsee from the Raymon brand:
Minigolfanlage in der Weyerbucht
Bajuwarenweg 3
5163 Mattsee
Contact details:
Are you interested in an e-bike ride?
время работы
вторник – воскресенье
10:00 – 17:00
По понедельникам закрыто
24.12. и 31.12. открыто до 13:00
25.12., 26.12. и 1.1. закрыто
Passauer Straße 30
A-5163 Mattsee
Telefon: +43 (0)6217 592 32
E-Mail: office@fahrtraum.at