Austrians love vintage cars and vintage car events

The average Austrian loves vintage cars – as demonstrated by Christian Schamburek and Robert Sobotka in their study „Vintage cars in Austria – Attitudes to historic vehicles and socio-economic importance” (Oldtimer Guide 2018). 59 percent of Austrians enjoy having vintage cars on the streets, 64 percent see vintage cars as a cultural asset and 96,000 own a historic automobile or motorcycle. The typical vintage owner is male (94%) and between 40 and 60 years old. However, 40 percent of Austrians say that they would like to have an oldie.

  • Further facts and data about the vintage and classic car scene in Austria:
  • Austrians travel on average less than 1000 kilometres p.a. with their historic automobile, and less than 500 kilometres with their motorcycle.
  • The most popular brand in Austria is VW and the Beetle the most popular model.
  • The average value of a historic automobile is around €23,000, for motorcycles around €5,000.
  • The economic importance of the vintage and classic car industry is calculated at 690 million euros p.a. (sum of direct and indirect owner expenditure, domestically relevant purchases and sales). The core of the classic car industry is made up of small and medium-sized businesses, crafts, family businesses and tourism regions.

Despite looming changes in legislation, the future is viewed optimistically – 50 percent of companies expect rising sales. The strongly anchored club scene in Austria serves the preservation and care of classic and vintage cars. Exhibitions and museums as well as events promote and enliven the classic and vintage car scene in Austria.

Here is a short list of classic and vintage car events in Austria in 2019 for our classic car enthusiasts:

03. – 05. Jänner 2019Planai
25. – 27. April 2019Südsteiermark
30. Mai – 1. Juni
5. Juni 2019Mödling
19. – 22. Juni 2019Saalbach
12. – 14. Juli 2019Großglockner VW Käfer Treffenwww.kä
24. – 27. Juli 2019Ennstal
30. August – 1. September 2019Ferdinand Porsche
6. – 8. September 2019VW-Klassiker auf der
7. – 15. September 2019Goldie
29. September 2019Rallye
18. – 20. Oktober 2019Classic Expo

Sourche: Oldtimer Guide


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