Reihe klassischer Autos vor dem fahr(T)raum Gebäude, im Freien abgestellt

Ferdinand Porsche Country Outing: Around the Salzburg Lake District

An outing to the taste of Ferdinand Porsche

By establishing the Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelten fahr(T)raum in Mattsee, Ernst Piech has created a worthy memorial to his grandfather. Exhibits going back to 1900 and Ferdinand Porsche´s visionary lifework are impressively documented over 2,500 square metres of showroom floor in the fahr(T)raum Museum.

In 2016, on the initiative of Ernst Piech, the initial FERDINAND PORSCHE LANDPARTIE (country outing) followed. The annual event, taking place around Porsche´s birthday on 3 September, takes place over three days and includes a veteran and classic car run for vehicles constructed up to1939. The hilly landscape around the Salzburg lake district is a perfect backdrop for the leisurely outing with pre-WWII automobiles. Needless to say, the „Brezelkäfer (due to the pretzel-like rear windows of the first VW bugs) and Schwimmwagen (amphibious 4WD VWs)“ special class is obligatory at an outing dedicated to Ferdinand Porsche.


On Saturday, 2 September 2017, the second FERDINAND PORSCHE LANDPARTIE started in a relaxed atmosphere – without stress and appropriate to the vehicles´ age – with a tour through the wonderful winding backroads of the Innviertel. Guided by a detailed illustrated logbook and signposts along the way, the trip became an adventure enabling those underway to enjoy the beauty of nature without distraction. The crowning highlight of the program was a visit to the private Feistritzer museum. The museum presents an extraordinary collection of old motorcycles and vehicles from the 20th century, all lovingly collected, maintained and cherished by the Feistritzer family. After lunch in Schmidhammer´s hunting lodge and a few simple special stage ratings, the vehicles climbed the Tannberg to the Tannberg inn. From there the route led back to the Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelten fahr(T)raum in Mattsee where the festive gala and award ceremonies took place.

Ernst Piech was highly enthusiastic about the participation of his country outing: “My grandfather would have enjoyed this Landpartie to the utmost. It is exactly what he would have wished. When I was a boy we often undertook excursions like these. Today´s route was wonderfully organised; partly slightly hilly, partly steep, through meadow and forest, with wonderful panoramas; perfect for a diversified outing. And most important of all, the few rain showers did not dampen our good mood in the least. Both guests and vehicles outbraved the weather, were cheerful and enjoyed the day to the most!”


Friday, 1 September 2017

7.00 pm                                        “Come together” with Ferdinand Porsche´s favourite dishes
                                                     Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelt fahr(T)raum

Saturday, 2 September 2017

9.00 am                                       Start of the first leg with a simple special stage
11.00 am                                     Visit to Feistritzer veteran car and motorcycle museum
approx. 12.30–14.00 pm          Lunch at Jagdhaus Schmidhammer in Geretsberg
2.00 pm                                       Start of the second leg with a simple special stage
3.30-4.30 pm                              Coffee break in Tannberg
From approx. 5.00 pm             Finish at the Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelt fahr(T)raum
7.30 pm                                       Gala event with award ceremony at the Ferdinand Porsche Erlebniswelt fahr(T)raum

Sunday, 3 September 2017

10.00 am                                     Frühschoppen (morning pint) in the Sigl brewery inn/Obertrum

We are very much looking forward to our third FERDINAND PORSCHE LANDPARTIE which will take place from 31 August to 2 September, 2018!


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