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Levitable - Emili-Sisquelas
von Creativedays
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Levitable - Emili-Sisquelas


LeviTABLE is a lightweight and easily carried tablet which levitates because of magnetization technology already implemented in a prototype of Lexus Brand. The big difference between the Lexus Tablet and LeviTABLE is: With LeviTABLE, you can control the direction and speed through your smartphone like a wheel. The negative part of the magnetization technology is that it needs a ground with magnetized lanes to work. If the big cities had specific zones of the streed (as the bike road) with this, it would be a reolutionary invent for the future daily eco-friendly means of transport.
LeviTABLE is a lightweight and easily carried tablet which levitates because of magnetization technology already implemented in a prototype of Lexus Brand. The big difference between the Lexus Tablet and LeviTABLE is: With LeviTABLE, you can control the direction and speed through your smartphone like a wheel. The negative part of the magnetization technology is that it needs a ground with magnetized lanes to work. If the big cities had specific zones of the streed (as the bike road) with this, it would be a reolutionary invent for the future daily eco-friendly means of transport.